Why we are here
hile almost everyone pursues the 'brand' as some kind of a holy grail that will somehow mysteriously impact business, there are way too many disparate opinions and points of view, and no single one comprehensive by itself.

After all, there are so many ways of looking at a brand. As a reputation, an impression, a perception, an opinion, a culture, an idea, a personality, an image, a competitive stance, an identity, a creative concept, an asset, a sensorial experience, an association, a relationship…

Alchemist Brand Consulting was founded in September 2001 with the idea of putting all of the confusing stuff into the crucible of clarity and reducing it to a potent distillate to help businesses gain enormous strength and value.

The name originates from the practice of alchemy, an allegorical reference for transforming base metals into gold. As a philosophy, it is based on the belief that any entity, once free of its constituent impurities, would reveal the "elixir of longevity", and achieve ultimate wisdom.

Founded upon this metaphor, Alchemist Brand Consulting came into existence in September 2001. We too believe that the latent power of a brand exists within every corporate or product entity, and by identifying and kindling it, it is possible to amplify it manifold.